Polar Noir – Run

The new song “Run” reveals a different musical side: a fuzzy bass stumbles over a Krautrock beat, unusual chord progressions, and dramatic guitar layers, all held together by a melancholic voice that barely makes it a pop song. But the comforting words “Everything will be okay” are nowhere to be found. Nothing will be okay unless we finally start running. “Run” is about the vague sense that you need to say goodbye to an old life because it’s no longer sustainable. Polar Noir’s lyrical themes suggest that once again she’s singing against excess and inertia. “The so-called affluent society won’t carry us in the future if we keep going like this. Even though we know this deep down, we don’t start running. We remain stuck in old structures, complaining while standing knee-deep in water about why things can’t just stay the same,” she says about the single.

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